Katerina - Catoptric Tristesse

the sadness that you’ll never really know what other people think of you

About Me


There is a girl who is scared of what other people think. Not wanting to display her thoughts, ideas, and dreams. Not wanting to open herself up, not wanting to be seen as incapable or just not good enough.

That girl is strong, brave, and determined. She works hard to achieve her goals and she does not back down until her goals and desires are achieved. She gets back up whenever she falls. She does not let anything stop her. This girl is a figure skater.

There is a girl who doesn’t really believe in herself. She doubts her talents and suppresses her true feelings. Afraid to show her true self to the world.

That girl is creative. She likes to try new things and even sometimes put herself outside of her comfort zone. That girl is an artist.

There is a girl who is scared to even put up her hand in class. Who is scared of being wrong, seeming stupid. She is anxious a lot of the time.

That girl loves to travel, experience new places and people. She is always open to new opportunities. This girl in an explorer.

There is a girl, unsure of her futures. Scared of what will happen and weary of her dreams really coming true. Scared she will never achieve her goals.

That girl is a hard worker. She is a dreamer. She tries to be positive and appreciative of everything and everyone around her. This girl tries her best.

There is a girl, who feels so small in the world that she sometimes gives up on her dreams, knowing they won’t come true.

That girl defies the norms and boundaries others put on her, and more importantly the ones she puts on herself. This girl works hard.

There is a girl who isn’t confident. A girl who is often insecure and negative about herself. Who doubts herself and her decisions.

That girl accepts her flaws and tries to move past those nagging inner voices. This girl in strong.

There is a girl, her name is Katerina.

That girl, whose name you now know. This girl is me.


  1. Dear Katerina;
    You write amazing statements wow. They deliver such a straight to the point message without losing any of the power behind them. I love the repetition you use of the statement “this girl…”, they provide an honest tone through the piece that I really appreciated. Amazing work. Love Tiana.

  2. beautifullyybroken

    October 6, 2017 at 2:12 am

    Dear Katerina;
    I am amazed by your writing; it is written beautifully. I don’t know you very well but this provides me with a lot of insight on who you are. Each statement shows a different part of you and brings out something unique about you. You are a strong individual and that can be seen from your writing. I hope to see more pieces from you in the future and you’re doing a great job, so keep it up.


  3. Dear Katerina,
    Your writing flows very well and it also connected with me. You used the “There is a girl” format which benefited your writing since it is beautifully written. This line in particular connected to me: “That girl accepts her flaws and tries to move past those nagging inner voices. This girl in strong.” This has been me my entire existence and the fact that we both feel that way makes me feel good! Thank you for this amazing work, cant wait to see more!

    Shiksha T.

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