Part A:

Creative writing has helped me get closer to finding my voice as a writer. Before this class it was really difficult for me to get my thoughts and ideas out into words and I really felt almost uncomfortable about writing and especially about sharing my writing. However now, I am beginning to feel more comfortable about sharing my writing and about really voicing and writing what i think and feel. I feel as though I have not yet completely found my voice as a writer but this creative writing class has brought me much closer and has been a huge step in me finding my voice as a writer. As a writer I seem to often write quite short pieces, however, in the future I would like to learn and be able to add more depth and details into my writing. Not necessarily just to make my writing longer but to make my writing better. After taking this creative writing course, the advice that I would give to future creative writers is to learn to manage your time wisely and to not put off doing and posting your assignments until last minute. But also to not be afraid to write what your truly feel and to strive to find your individual and unique voice as a writer. In the future in my writing I would like to continue my journey of finding my voice as a writer and also I have a goal to write and read more poetry, including spoken word because I have discovered that I really like reading, listening to, and writing poetry.

Part B:

This semester in creative writing was my first time ever starting a blog and I found that I really enjoyed it. At first I thought having a blog would be difficult and that I wouldn’t like it at all but after having one this semester I prove myself wrong. My problem with my blog however was having peace is written in my writing journal but never getting around or forgetting to post them on my blog. Also when I first started my blog it took me a while to pick a theme and athletic that I liked but eventually I did, however it still may change some day. I like how my blog has turned out so far. I have a mostly black and white theme, with some light pink accents, and all the feature images I cho also when I first started my blog it took me a while to pick a theme and aesthetic that I liked but eventually I did, however it still may change some day. I like how my blog has turned out so far. I have a mostly black and white theme, with some light pink accents, and all the feature images I choose are gifs because I like the “alive” can dynamic look is my block. After this course I will try to continue to use my blog at least sometimes and post any pieces are right that I am proud of or that show progress of me as a writer. I will also try to continue to follow if you student blocks, specifically Carmen, Aaron, Victoria, and Kaden‘s blogs. One professional blogger’s blog I found that I love was Jenny Lawson‘s blog titled “The Blogess” which I found after reading her books “Furiously Happy” and “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” which also happened to be some of my favourite books.

Part C:

I enjoyed creative writing the semester and I am glad I ended up taking this course. Some of my favourite creative activities with a nature walk to give me a moment of my day to take a break, enjoy some nature, and focus on myself and my writing. I also thoroughly enjoyed the SSR Time we were given as well as the (almost) Daily writing journal activities we did. Many of the writing journal activities give me some inspiration is such a associating already with colours or object. Another part of creative writing that I really enjoyed and thought it was a really great part of the class with the writers seminar presentations we got to do and watch. These presentations allowed me to be opened up to some more authors and books. Some of my favourite writers seminars or sha daily writing journal activities we did. Many of the writing journal activities give me some inspiration is such a associating a writing with colours or objects. Another part of creative writing that I really enjoyed and thought it was a really great part of the class with the writers seminar presentations we got to do and watch. These presentations allowed me to be opened up to some more authors and books. Some of my favourite writers seminars were Shane Koyczan and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. for my reading this semester, the reading ladders on our blogs gave me a platform to record my monthly reading on and also allowed me to see that I am not reading as much as I used to and definitely not as much as I want to. My favourite book I read this semester was “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” by Betty Smith, who also was The author my group did for our writers seminar. As for what I am going to read next, I don’t have a specific title in mind, but I have a goal to read quite a bit more than I do now because reading is not only beneficial to my education, I also just really enjoy it.